Thursday, July 20, 2017


Oh the chores never stop. I think they actually grow when it starts to thaw.
Grass seed thrown, seeds for the garden started, feet trimmed, pens cleaned.....
If your curious about just how many that is (which considering we are a small farm it's not that bad) we have
four pig pens
The rabbit cage (we had a whole pen of them but that's another story)
The goats pen
The chicken coop
The geese pen (ever try to get an egg from geese? Its not fun.)
We will be moving our three girls to the back pasture so they can run and play and just be happy pigs. We are moving the boars next to each other so that way they can talk as pigs do.
We have a hay barn to build, as much snow that we got this winter was not planned for. We made that mistake and now we won't make it again.
Fruit trees to plant and a garden to move. Flower beds to finish. Fencing to finish. We want to get the property completely finished fenced in this year. I want to get the gates up and my sign hung.
We have a milking parlor to build and a milker to buy.
We've been pricing sheds so we can start the farm store. That's what I really want to do and I'm getting excited about it.
The boys will be teenagers this year. So their daddy and I made a deal with them that we will get them a project to work on but they have to do extra chores to earn the money to put into it.

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