Friday, April 14, 2017

Oh come on already....

This snow has got to STOP. I mean really here we are almost the middle of April and its still going.

Snowy (the goose) had a nice little clutch of duck and geese eggs, but sense the snow hit the other night she gave up on them. So sad to sense she was about halfway through the whole thing. We did decided last night to pull her and ethels (the duck) eggs until this weather would be more reasonable. Meaning it would stop snowing every night.
Yes, we woke up to snow again. So much for having the things we need done before the heat hits. Running fence in the sun sucks but it will be done. Good thing we are getting so good at it.
I was able to hide some strawberries from the kids so I could try my hand at a strawberry tea bread recipe. I'll share it with you as soon as it gets made. With Easter in just a couple of days its the perfect time to try. Well on to boiling some eggs for the annual Easter egg hunt if I get it done now its one less thing to worry about. 😊

Blessings from Dusty Rose Homestead.

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