Tuesday, March 28, 2017


What's that old saying?
Spring has sprung.
Well sort of. The tulips are poping up and the grass is getting green, but the snow can go away now. It snows then it melts and turns into a yucky mud.  We all have wellies thank goodness, but I'm so tired of the moisture. So tired of snow. We moved to Oregon to have different seasons and I'm ready for spring.
On another note ladybug had a birthday a few weekend's ago and got some money. She spent it in baby chicks. So we have six new babies chirping away at all hours, morning and night. They are cute though and she is happy with what she got so far. She was even nice enough to buy her boys some chicks that they wanted.
We spent alot of time on my honeys last day off planning things out. Sense our family is growing, not more just bigger. We need to move and expand the garden. We also looked at fruit trees so we could get an orchard going. I took on a side job to help get the things that will be extra and fruit trees is something on that list.

We got the boy piglets neutered finally. They were finally big enough. Our awesome vet didn't want to stress them any more when they were babies because their mama had died so we waited. That was an experiance. I never realized their wibblets were so BIG. Sorry just still in shock about that. They are healing nicely and have forgiven us. Treats helped with that. They are die hard green apple fans. Good thing we stocked up before this happened.
Everyone seems to be doing really well considering the weather being retarded. Even the kids are able to go out for a little while and play or do some of the projects they need or want to do.

Be blessed!
Dusty Rose Homestead

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