Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Farm rules

For your safety and for the protection of our land, and crops, we ask that you read all the rules and guidelines listed below.

Please observe and follow ALL notices and signs.

Always check with us to confirm before entering the farm fields. U-pick dates and times subject to weather and volume. Call U-pick HOTLINE 541-999-3098.

1. Absolutely NO THROWING of fruit, vegetables, rocks, sticks, etc.

2. We love well-behaved, socialized dogs, but please make sure to keep them on leashes. Please use a regular leash and leave retractable leashes at home or keep them locked in the shortest position. Sorry No pets are allowed in Farm Fields or bakery due to health and safety regulations.

3. To make this a fun and educational experience for all, we ask that you please WATCH, MAINTAIN, AND CONTROL your children.

4. Please be careful when walking in our fields. Our crops are fragile and need to be treated with respect. We ask that you do not hop or cross over any rows.

5. Please DO NOT pick the flowers from the fruits or vegetable plants, it will damage the plant and decrease production.

6. When you are in the fields, feel free to sample our crops, but please DO NOT make a meal of them. YOU MUST PAY FOR WHAT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY PICK!

7. Please be aware and keep well away from tractors and farm machinery. We are a working farm and our machines are active continuously throughout the day.

8. For your safety and for dust control we have posted a 5-MPH Speed Limit throughout our farm. Please observe this as you enter and exit the farm.

9. Please be kind and courteous to your fellow visitors and members of our team. Please listen to the members of our staff and know that they are working very hard to make sure your time at the farm is a memorable one.

10. Please only feed the animals the farm approved treats. Anything else may make them sick.

Goat babies

Dusty Rose Homestead takes great pride in providing quality milk lines and well socialized Dwarf Nigerian Goats for your home. Each animal here is treated with love and respect, which is something we feel is essential to a happy life. If you agree, please proceed in filling out our "Inquiry Form" below.  If you do not agree, we are not the farm for you to purchase your goats from.

Please note: WE DO NOT SELL GOATS FOR MEAT.  We will not ship goats, they must be picked up on farm.

These are organic dairy goats. They are all ADGA Registerable. They will come herbal wormed (Molly's Herbal) and freshly hoof trimmed.

All goats will be sold at 4 months of age or older (unless otherwise noted).

Doelings range from $250-$350, Wethers $100, Bucklings $250 (must be reserved before 8 weeks of age). We do also offer packages and periodic sale pricing as we are able to.

If you would like your goats registered, please provide your ADGA number on the form. If you intend to register for ADGA, please check that box and send your membership number as soon as you get it. Registration and transfer into your herd will occur within one week after pick up. You will be charged by ADGA, so be sure you load money onto your account to cover this fee.

Please note that a 50% deposit is required at time of reservation and is non-refundable. There will also be a weekly boarding fee of $15 per animal for goats on deposit. There will be no "pro rata rates" and will be charged each 7 days after deposit is made and due at pick up. *This does not apply to folks who are waiting for goats to reach their 4 month graduation.

Monday, November 29, 2021

a new season

Hi everyone, this is ladybug. Mom decided I was old enough to take over on the farm blog. So let's get you all caught up.

It is a new season here in the Dusty Rose homestead and we have been busy. We have been working on the farm, we have been planting trees and working in the garden. We have some new comers, they are goats. We have a mom and her two baby boys. The moms name is Sugar and her boy names are Fred and George. We have a pen the boys can go in pretty soon, they will be with Dash. Cherries and Sugar will live with Jak Jak.

Farmer dad has been busy trying to fix Mom's kitchen so she can get back to baking and canning. She says it's been driving her crazy. I just hope she makes some Irish tea cake soon. The boys have gotten to that age where they just want to work on their cars and quads.  

With Mom being pregnant I've been a lot busier helping her cause she has very little energy. We got a lot done today. I helped plant lilacs, a cherry tree, and we added a miniature rose to the fairy garden on top of the normal day to day cleaning. My horse is being onry right now, he is really really cute and is shedding like crazy. I really love him so much ❤️❤️❤️. My mom said I can help with dinner now so when she is at work I can cook dinner now that the boys got a job at LP gas I have to help more with the farm with my little sibling coming  soon 😌 it is hard for mom relax she doesn't eat alot but she does eat anyways.  So we are going to get some cows soon so we can have the meat for food  I have to help shimmer so he will not go crazy I no he is werid. My mom was pregnant with my little brother you brobly know he very sick 🤢 so now mom is very scared we don't know if he so going to be okay I hope he is okay.😐

My new little brother 💙

My new little brother is home, his name is Kainen and he is so cute. He has appointments every week but when I am not at school I help mom with little man . Mom says she is super proud of me for helping her with Kainen, it has been really hard for mom when Kainen was born he was in the hospital for 4 months and every day she would call and it was either good or bad news. My mom was working hard when she was pregnant with Kainen. Mom would go to her job and work really hard, so I help her now because she need it all and this thanksgiving I am very happy for my baby brother and my family. My dad has a job he makes barrels and he gets pretty good money for the most part. My brother's Ian go to college and Ethan goes to school with me for right now, he will be going to college. They are in 12th grade and I am in 5th grade. My big brothers are twins. 

By Jayden 
BYE BYE 👋  See you all later  

Monday, June 29, 2020


So we did it. We moved from Oregon to Kansas. 2.5 days later with sleeping at truck stops and no showers. ( My absolute least favorite part) We drove through so many amazing places. I will say Denver Colorado was my least favorite place. Wayyyyy to many people. I'm sure it's beautiful but when your in bumper to bumper traffic and pulling a trailer full of animals it's not fun, besides it was really dark so I didn't get to see anything besides tail lights. 

We bought ourselves a fixer upper farm, and so far are loving every minute of being here. The house is almost done and from where it was when we first started the house is looking amazing. We have made a lot of friends and the community has just absorbed us into the fold. 

All in all a lot better than where we were before. 

Now the animals? Well the turkey is molting and the pigs are a little bit redder then normal from all the sun bathing. Shimmer and the goats are out in the pastures looking all shiny and happy. 

The grow season is longer here so everything is already up and producing. The flowers are blooming and the trees are starting to set fruit. We found a mulberry on the property and the kids have been having fun with that.

I think we are going to be really happy here for the most part. 

Thanks for sticking around. I'll be posting more updates as I can. 

Friday, December 6, 2019


This next year promises to be very new experience for our family. We've sold our farm and we are moving out of state, the whole family thinks it's time for something new. So we have been extremely busy for the last few months getting everything together, the farmhouse packed up, animals slaughtered out that we didn't need, and getting trailers to haul the animals that we're going to keep.
We have found some place that is bigger than what we have now and also has the small town feel that we enjoy. I promise we are not ignoring you, dear readers, and not purposely keeping you out of the loop but packing up a farm is a job on its own and keeping up with all the farm chores that we still have to do. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas just in case that I don't post anything before then. I promise when we get to where we're going I will update the Facebook page with new pictures, until then have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Apologies dear readers,
It's been a while sense I have posted.
A quick recap of the last few months, we got the greenhouse up and have been getting some good fruits and vegetables out of it. I have some seriously excited farm kids because of some little growing pumpkins.

The farm kids have decided they are going to school this year away from Mom. As much as they love me they ARE all growing up and wanting to make friends. I don't blame them really.

The piglets are growing up so fast and we have a few pigs ready to go into the freezer. Along with ducks and chickens and turkeys.

Canning season is fast approaching us and I will be even busier then ever until breeding time in November of course. I have been canning BBQ sauce and pickles but the real fun will begin soon enough.

We have some blackberry bushes blooming, but they won't turn in time before the frosts hit.

The guys got the lumber mill up and going fairly well, they were going really steady until the tractor blew a tire and now that's on the to find list.

The boys turned 15 this year and are ready to get permits to start their driving training. They decided they wanted to go to the fair for their birthdays so we decided to hit the rodeo up while we were there. Ladybug seen the barrel racers. Poor shimmer is being put through his paces. For a twenty something horse he is keeping up pretty well.

We have gotten 90% of our firewood for the year so we are doing really well on that end.

I have been crocheting up a storm lately, we WERE expecting a new little farm hand, but I got overly stressed and it just didn't work out. So once the doctor gives us the all clear we have decided to try again.

I know there is more but I don't want this post to be ten pages long.

Until next time.