Friday, December 6, 2019


This next year promises to be very new experience for our family. We've sold our farm and we are moving out of state, the whole family thinks it's time for something new. So we have been extremely busy for the last few months getting everything together, the farmhouse packed up, animals slaughtered out that we didn't need, and getting trailers to haul the animals that we're going to keep.
We have found some place that is bigger than what we have now and also has the small town feel that we enjoy. I promise we are not ignoring you, dear readers, and not purposely keeping you out of the loop but packing up a farm is a job on its own and keeping up with all the farm chores that we still have to do. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas just in case that I don't post anything before then. I promise when we get to where we're going I will update the Facebook page with new pictures, until then have a wonderful day.

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