Monday, November 29, 2021

a new season

Hi everyone, this is ladybug. Mom decided I was old enough to take over on the farm blog. So let's get you all caught up.

It is a new season here in the Dusty Rose homestead and we have been busy. We have been working on the farm, we have been planting trees and working in the garden. We have some new comers, they are goats. We have a mom and her two baby boys. The moms name is Sugar and her boy names are Fred and George. We have a pen the boys can go in pretty soon, they will be with Dash. Cherries and Sugar will live with Jak Jak.

Farmer dad has been busy trying to fix Mom's kitchen so she can get back to baking and canning. She says it's been driving her crazy. I just hope she makes some Irish tea cake soon. The boys have gotten to that age where they just want to work on their cars and quads.  

With Mom being pregnant I've been a lot busier helping her cause she has very little energy. We got a lot done today. I helped plant lilacs, a cherry tree, and we added a miniature rose to the fairy garden on top of the normal day to day cleaning. My horse is being onry right now, he is really really cute and is shedding like crazy. I really love him so much ❤️❤️❤️. My mom said I can help with dinner now so when she is at work I can cook dinner now that the boys got a job at LP gas I have to help more with the farm with my little sibling coming  soon 😌 it is hard for mom relax she doesn't eat alot but she does eat anyways.  So we are going to get some cows soon so we can have the meat for food  I have to help shimmer so he will not go crazy I no he is werid. My mom was pregnant with my little brother you brobly know he very sick 🤢 so now mom is very scared we don't know if he so going to be okay I hope he is okay.😐

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