Monday, January 14, 2019

End of another year

Wow, I'm a little late in getting this post written up.

All of the snow has melted off and it has all turned into ice patches or mud. It of course freezes every night and turns it into frozen mud but this last week it's been warming up so much that it turns into nothing but a slippery mess.
Ladybug ended up getting sucked down in her wellies and when I went to grab her out ended up knee first in the muck. Mud and water all in the wellies, it was terrible. Score one for klutz mom.

This last year was a pretty good one for us. We grew as a farm but more as a family. My teenagers actually WANT to hang around with us. Shocker isn't it?
In the last year we have gotten cows and a horse, made bacon seeds and ended up adopting an abandoned rabbit, restocked the ducks and built shelters. Went on a "vacation" and a vacation. I will say I won't miss Arizona.

We have lost some animals to critters and gained some helping hands. We were able to get a few things done that we had wanted to and had to push a few things back.

There has been a lot of growth and even more learning. We have watched frustrations turn to pride and we have watched humbleness get learned the hard way. There's been scrapes and scuffles but at the end of the day we all need each other. We have had more connecting with each other and less technology. So all in all I think it's been a learning experience for everyone this year.

Here's to another learning year for us.

We have three adorable baby bunnies now from Lily and James.

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