Sunday, December 9, 2018

Extra hands

If you have read previous posts you know that my parents have moved up here to Oregon from Arizona. Talk about a climate change. They are excited to see snow and to experience more then two seasons.

Dad is super excited to start growing some stuff in the garden next year. Which means that hopefully someone will have the time to really take care of it and baby it the way it needs to be. Then we can offer up the extra products for sale.

The honey got lucky the other day heading to work. He was driving down the road and came upon a cage in the middle of no where with a rabbit in it. So of course he grabbed the poor thing and took care of it all day while he was at work. Ended up naming him James.

James is now living with Lily ( yes the kids are Harry Potter fans) in her big cage and having the time of his life. We will probably have some baby bunnies in a few weeks. We will update when that happens.

We bred Betty in October and she hasn't came back into heat sense. So we should have some piglets around Valentine's day. If you're on Facebook you should take a guess on how many she will have and if you haven't already give us a like.

I had to have dad build a fence to go around my Christmas tree to prevent animal and tree miscommunications.

We had a wonderful Christmas and we do hope you all had one as well. It was very relaxing and quiet. We had an amazing dinner and the company was wonderful.

Ladybug got a lion head bunny for Christmas and named him carrot. She is obsessed with American girl wellie wishers. Her absolute favorite is Willa who is all about animals and nature.

The fig tree we got last summer was moved into the house and has been growing leaves like crazy lately. Good thing it came in to house because it has been so cold this winter.

Well I think that's good for now.
Hope you all have a wonderful new year.

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