Saturday, December 30, 2017

The end of one chapter

Wow oh wow has it been a year. The last few days have been doozies.  We found out that one of our nieces had an accident and was on life support. Was being the word. She is off the ventilator but still unresponsive and has brain swelling.

I'm a bad news first kind of person. So as I sit here eating a few of the 82 peanut butter cookies I made yesterday drinking a gallon of sweet hot tea I will give you some good news.
We have some new additions to the homestead. Some new chickens when I say some I mean like 17. 7 of them are roosters and destined for the stew pot in the spring. We also got 7 new geese to help with the population of the freezer. Our 2 ducks are now massively out numbered and we will remedy that as soon as possible. My hope is when my female start laying her eggs I can slip them under a goose to hatch out. We had good luck with that this last summer, but the girls were inexperienced with the crows and we lost the babies.

We did get a truck this summer too. I am so happy with it. 4 wheel drive in Oregon is the only way to go, but that means another bill as we are trying to cut down on them. Its a catch-22.

The garden did produce well this year, but we froze a month earlier then we should have so a greenhouse or hoop house is on the list to get done this year. Pork chop (one of our freezer destined pigs) is growing well. Pigs on the pasture grow so much slower then pigs on commercial feed. We almost lost a pig too commercial feed last spring and haven't used it sense.
Christmas was good for the family this year. We have decided that we will be growing our own turkey for next year though. We are really trying to get more to having things from our homestead in the freezer and only needing the basics of groceries from the stores.

Well I think you are pretty well caught up on everything I can think of.

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