Thursday, March 17, 2016

It's official

It's official we are registered with ADGA as Dusty Rose Homestead. It's a happy day here in the homestead. Celebratory drinks and all that jazz. There has been a lot of ups and even more downs, things are starting to look up and I couldn't be happier. We went to the neighborhood feed store and picked up four ducklings today. They are so adorable and I'm excited to be replenishing the stock that we have lost. It will take a little while for these guys to grow and it was a mix collection so I have no idea what we have, but that's all the fun of it. The little chicks are growing so fast. We have 13 of them in the brooder and most of them have their feathers forming already. It's so hard naming them all. I'll be starting seeds this weekend I'm a little behind the ball on that one. I'm really looking forward to that. We also will be finishing up the rabbits outside cage and the breeding pen for the pigs. I have someone who told me that I could get a bottle baby calf pretty soon, so if I end up with one of those it will stay in the breeding pen until we can get the cattle area finished. So much going on! Now that it's stopped raining we have been going non-stop to get as much done as possible before the babies start hitting the ground around here. Good thing the chicken coop is done!

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