Friday, September 25, 2015


Well it's been a crazy few weeks. It seems like every time I turn around We seem to have lost one of our birds. So far we have lost a set of ducks and a few roosters. I am not so worried about the roosters as I am about the ducks. The kids LOVED every single one of those critters and something keeps breaking their hearts. I am getting tired of burying birds.  We have changed up the pens now so nothing can get in. Its a learning curve and we just have to keep moving forward. We did get lucky and found some hens for sale. YAY us! So we are slowly moving forward. The pig pens are almost finished and we have gotten started on the goats pen. Really looking forward to getting the goats. The kids are over the moon about the ones we are getting. They picked out the girls and picked the buck they will be bred to. Counting down the days.

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