Friday, September 18, 2015

Cayauga ducks

First of all welcome.
We got some ducks earlier this week and not just any ducks Cayuga ducks. Wonderful little sweet hearts. They are absolutely beautiful. All black and when the sun hits them they turn this shimmery green. They are babies still, they have lost all of their baby feathers and have their adult feathers in, but they are simply the funniest little creatures. The place where we got them from had them in with a chicken without any pond and my ducks have not swam at all sense we got them. I think they think they are chickens. They are terrified of their pond. It's so silly so we have to put either a sprinkler or let the water run in the pond from the hose so the pond over flows and they can drink. My kids had a brilliant idea though They found a decoy duck and put it in the pond. They are more interested in the pond now. Right now I have some feelers out for some geese and roosters maybe I will luck out and find someone selling their hens.

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