Monday, June 29, 2020


So we did it. We moved from Oregon to Kansas. 2.5 days later with sleeping at truck stops and no showers. ( My absolute least favorite part) We drove through so many amazing places. I will say Denver Colorado was my least favorite place. Wayyyyy to many people. I'm sure it's beautiful but when your in bumper to bumper traffic and pulling a trailer full of animals it's not fun, besides it was really dark so I didn't get to see anything besides tail lights. 

We bought ourselves a fixer upper farm, and so far are loving every minute of being here. The house is almost done and from where it was when we first started the house is looking amazing. We have made a lot of friends and the community has just absorbed us into the fold. 

All in all a lot better than where we were before. 

Now the animals? Well the turkey is molting and the pigs are a little bit redder then normal from all the sun bathing. Shimmer and the goats are out in the pastures looking all shiny and happy. 

The grow season is longer here so everything is already up and producing. The flowers are blooming and the trees are starting to set fruit. We found a mulberry on the property and the kids have been having fun with that.

I think we are going to be really happy here for the most part. 

Thanks for sticking around. I'll be posting more updates as I can.