Saturday, November 17, 2018

Autumn is here

Autumn has hit the homestead. Which means canning, baking, firewood, and hay.
We've gotten 90% of the wood done for everyone and the freezer is already full of bread. If everyone would eat it a little faster I could put cakes in there. We picked up another load of hay today and added some straw to the order to get animal beds ready. We started enclosing our soon to be mama pig shelter to keep her bacon seeds inside their fence. The canning is going fairly well. With everyone here it's been very crazy, well crazier then normal.

The rain is supposed to be here this next week and it doesn't look like it will stop for awhile. Don't get me wrong I love the rain and with the extra hands we have gotten a lot of the stuff needing done all finished up, but 8-9 days of it? Nope not happening. I can only play so much connect four and Monopoly before I scream.

With the honey working on Thanksgiving, we have to celebrate it on his day off. This year it's the day before, sometimes it's after the day, but we have come to the conclusion that it's not about the day, it's about the people you celebrate and surround yourself with.

So with many blessings and grateful hearts we will celebrate this Thanksgiving with a few more generations.