Thursday, August 9, 2018


It's been so crazy these last few months. The kids over their summer break helped the gparents move from Arizona. The hunny and I had the farm to ourselves. Which of course just meant that we had been putting in a lot more work then play. We have gotten the garden irrigation system started, the fruit and nut orchard started, a lot of the land around mowed down for a fire break, some dead stumps pulled out, a lot of the yard cleaned up, finished redoing a bubs room, got a few new faces, bought a horse, cleaned a shed, started canning up some stuff, added a few things to the freezer, crocheted up a sweater, started on a blanket, made some flavored alcohols, started remodeling the house, and had just been keeping the animals fed and watered.

Now that fall is here you would think we would take a breath and relax, but that is not the way of farm life. The way of farm life means that the work never ends. If anything with fall here it means more. It means that bread has to be baked and frozen. Produce has to be processed and canned. Hay has to be brought in and stocked up on. Straw must be thrown for bedding and pens need one last clean out before winter.

With all the extra hands (my parents and gparents) things are a little more out of control then normal. In a good way. It means that we have four generations working this farm and that is worth all the craziness of the situation.

Until next time.