Friday, January 26, 2018


I'm a Pinterest fanatic. I probably need to check myself in to PA meetings and all that. I can surf for one thing and end up looking at all the amazing ideas on there for awhile.

Like trying to make feed stretch further, duh hello fodder. Less waste and wayyyyyy more vitamins and minerals the critters need.

Or how about the fact that I am just now getting into trying to make our house feel like a warm hug. The danish have a term for that, its hygge (hoo-ga) basically its all things that new years resolutions isn't.  It takes warm drinks, candles, good food, and friends and makes it one big party. Well actually its about making you feel like you stepped into a warm hug on the crappiest day of your life.

This trend has been in the states for awhile. I'm always the last to jump on the band wagon for a new trend, but when I do its with both feet.

So this home maker/farmers wife/momma has been crocheting up blankets, sewing throw pillows, (use Walmart cheap big pillows cut and resewn in half to save some cash) and pouring hot wax for candles and fire starters. My fire skills are much improved with fire starters.

Oh and did you realize how bad of an idea it is to have blinds in your house when you live on baby powder for your dirt? After 5 years of fighting with the dust I am taking them down to hang curtains. I found a pin that uses boards with hooks instead of rods to hang the curtains. If you have cats you know why I am going that way.

Well I think your all caught up for now. Off to feed some animals and bake some bread.
