Friday, December 30, 2016


So Annabelle's four little babies that I worked my booty off to make sure they made it are growing like crazy. We have three little boys that will be heading into the freezer when they get big enough but the last one.... She is a cute furry little bundle of fire she has been named baby Annabelle after her momma. We are keeping her. They are spoiled rotten. All the work that was put into keeping them alive was worth every last sleepless night up worrying, promising my husband and children I would keep them alive. I did it and I'm proud of all the hard work that has sense gone into them. The boys and lady bug work hard taking care of the animals on the homestead. On another note we will have some new faces on the homestead in a few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for a new note.

Blessings from Dusty Rose Homestead.