Monday, May 23, 2016

Disappointment and pride

Today one of the does here at the homestead kidded to early. She wasn't due until Friday, I had to take a trip into town to take the van into the shop sense someone backed into me in the parking lot of the local Coastal while I was picking up some goslings that my sister in law had gotten me.
When I had gotten back her beautiful baby boy and girl were dead. This was my first time expecting baby goats. I was so excited about it.
Luckily for me I have another doe that is close to her due date. So I will still get to experience that feeling.
We did get our doe up on the stand and started milking her. My honey made me a milker out of a canning jar. Just Google canning jar goat milker and you will get tons of directions if your interested in trying it yourself, or just contact me on Facebook and order one from us.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Just Natural is back....

Just Natural is officially back up and running. Sense I have decided that my time is better spent at home then working I have decided to start just natural back up. I make candles and other goodies for your mind and body to unwind. I have lots of new ideas to try out and as always need some test subjects. If your interested Facebook me on the Dusty Rose Homestead page.