Friday, October 9, 2015

Herbal drops

Sense Bug is still coughing and I am not the type of mom that I want to take my little to the doctor about every sniffle. I also embrace the idea that there are things better for helping you then antibiotics. There are so many side effects after you take something now a days. So we decided to try out hand at making our own herbal drops. I followed the directions but instead of the dried herbs we used herbal teas to make the liquid and they turned out fantastic. I will say that it smelt like burnt molasses during the cooking process but it dissipated pretty quickly. I have an entire clean and empty candle jar with a lid to keep them fresh full. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Gardens, rabbits, herbs..... Oh my....

My daughter (Bug) is completely over the moon about Peter rabbit and is interested in gardening. Better late then never right? So we are finding out whatever information we can.  She has been trying different herbal teas to see which ones she likes. So far chamomile and peppermint are the winners. She has been sitting through the reading of the Peter rabbit stories and is really loving them. Of course with her having a cold is probably the reason she is sitting for longer periods of time and when Bug is sick then the whole house is miserable. She takes after her daddy with that one.